Deliciously De-Lick-Able Delectables
How can we get cat owners who don’t use wet treats today to try Delectables? By showcasing the new form factor as an opportunity to deepen the connection with their feline friends.
When Hartz launched the Delectables brand, it quickly became the category leader in wet cat treats. However, competitors like Temptations and Friskies gained traction over time and started spending significantly, which challenged the brand’s position.
Treating your cat is an opportunity to deepen the bond you share. Engaged cat parents want to show their sometimes-finicky cats affection and delight them with a delicious treat.
Deliciously De-lick-able Delectables. The campaign shows people how easy it is to use Squeeze Ups and Lickable Treats as a way to provide delight to cats with every lick. By owning “the lick,” we’re able to highlight relatable cat parent moments that strengthen the bond between pet and owner.