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We don’t see hunger. People hide it, but it’s there. One in four have struggled, which is a huge number. But we can change all that if we expose it and let everyone know how we are going to eliminate hunger in this country.
Hunger in this country is at epidemic levels, but nobody knows about it or even cares. Second Harvest freshly renamed Feeding America and was starting from scratch. But with aspirations of becoming as well known and funded as the Red Cross and Salvation Army, Feeding America needed to be top-of-mind for people to consider getting involved with the organization.
Hunger is Closer Than We Think. Research showed us that people perceive hunger to be a far off problem, but the reality is that it’s often just down the street, in their schools, even within their family and friendship circles. People are embarrassed to admit it. So it goes undetected and yet it is a completely solvable problem. We have enough food. We just have to get it to those who struggle.
Together, We’re Feeding America. The organization is more than a network of food banks. It’s a network of people, volunteers, farmers and business owners that care about not only recognizing it and making everyone aware, but solving it. Because we have the resources and foresight.