Mobile has quickly become the dominant way people search for items with intent to purchase. However, these searches are very brief and location often based. We decided we needed to educate the Marketing community that there is an emerging behavior that will displace what was “the moment of truth” at the shelf to “micro-moments” on the phone.
Advertisers were spending their budget on Google desktop search ads, but far less on Google mobile search. We needed to demonstrate to CMOs and marketing leaders that investing in mobile search ads is critical to increase sales and drive business growth.
Because of Mobile, Purchase Decisions are Now Made in Fractional Moments. Allowing consumers to act the second the need arises. Whether replacing something or finding something, brands have a very short window to show up in a time of need if they want customers to choose their brand over others.
Micro-Moments. We introduced CMOs to “micro-moments,” defined as intent-rich moments when a person turns to a device to act on a need - to know, go, do, or buy. This helped marketing leaders realize that they had to be present on mobile in these emerging micro-moments of the consumer journey in order to succeed.