Have Fun Out There
99% of consumers know exactly what a Jeep is: a very rugged 4x4 vehicle. And that’s exactly why they don’t buy them. So we flipped being rugged into being fun. And who doesn’t want more fun?
People knew about Jeep, but thought it lacked relevance for their lives. We needed to incite desire for the brand among a larger audience while upholding the essence of Jeep.
It’s Not What a Jeep Is, it’s What it Does for You. To gain insight into what the brand truly represented, we spoke to Jeep owners and listened to them recount their everyday adventures of bad weather and tough road conditions with joy and self-satisfaction.
Have Fun Out There. Jeep owners just have more fun. When you drive a Jeep, no matter what happens or where you’re going, you're having more fun than the other guy.
Our campaign resonated with existing Jeep owners and increased consideration among new SUV buyers. The company’s sales numbers reflected this success, as did the incredibly high unprompted recall rate for the “Have Fun Out There” campaign. Nielsen research even ranked our “Liberty” TV spot the second most effective overall ad in the automotive category.