Never Hide
Ray Ban’s business had succumbed to an influx of fashion brands. And with so many of them in a rush to put their logo on your face, we decided the only way to go was in the opposite direction. Because true individuals don’t follow fashion. They make it.
Fashion brands had licensed their way into the sunglasses business. D&G, Prada and the many others set up a huge presence. Pushing the original brands further to the side as sunglasses became more about the logo you wear and not who you are.
The Most Fashionable Thing You Can Be is Yourself. Ray-Ban had one thing no other fashion brand could claim: a belief that authenticity, individualism, and a strong sense of heritage stand for something in a world of glitter and pretension.
Never Hide. We introduced this campaign as a challenge: a modern rallying cry that encouraged everyone to unabashedly be themselves.