Miss Nothing
There is a little FOMO when it comes to visiting Santa Barbara. There are so many things to do and see that only if you stay long enough do you miss nothing.
With overnight tourism stagnant, we needed to increase overnight stays in Santa Barbara and raise awareness of the city among a younger target audience in order to reinvigorate their local economy.
The Best Vacations Don’t Just Relax You, They Revive You. By encouraging visitors to do just one more thing on their trip to Santa Barbara, and share that activity with their social network, we could convert day trippers to overnight stayers and pique interest among a younger audience.
Miss Nothing. Most visits to Santa Barbara come from people in LA that don’t stay the night. To increase time spent there, we created a campaign that showcased a variety of activities available so you might want to stay longer. With elegantly shot creative, we showcased how you can indulge yourself with more than the beach while staying in Santa Barbara.